Stark Body Flying2018-04-04T10:42:08+00:00

Project Description

The method that brings us all together! Stark Body Flying®

Stark Body Flying®

Stark Body Flying® … Fly with us!

Trying to satisfy the needs of our clients in the fitness world in continuous evolution, the Stark Body Flying® technique originates from the fusion of basic principles taken from pilates, yoga, artistic gymnastics and stretching, to which two other elements are added: bodyweight and gravitational resistance.

Specific integrated training can be obtained, developing strength, power and resilience, coordination and flexibility. The freedom of moving the body in space coupled with inversion exercises, will help to rejuvenate the spine, relax your muscles and promote vitality.

Why choosing the method Stark Body Flying®?

Because it is an innovative training, dynamic, fun and affordable

Particularly suitable for fitness centres, spas and personal training. Easy to understand from a trainer and a practitioner perspective. Plus:

  • easy to amplify the repertoire within the courses offered
  • allows to work progressively at different levels of difficulty with perceived results from the first few lessons
  • long term benefits guaranteed
  • transforms the gym in a fun place to be in, giving it a suggestive environment at once

It can be used by anyone with no age limits

For beginners who want to try free body movement, discovering a new enthusiasm for the sport

Athletes who want to improve their performance, developing strength, mobility, muscle tone and resilience.

Professional athletes who want to diversify and improve their daily workouts, improving balance and concentration needed when competing.

DVD courses
Instructor courses


STARK Body Flying® is the suspension training that meets your needs and choices

Try them all with only one bodyflyer!